Personal Website

Responsive image
Responsive image

Technical Specifications

Languages: CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Ruby (ERB)
Technologies: Bootstrap, jQuery, Middleman, Rouge, YAML

This personal website was constructed using Middleman, a framework used to build static websites. Middleman is convenient since it is able to utilize Embedded Ruby (ERB) when building the website. ERB is quite useful in rendering partials or looping through items, generating HTML code.

Code Example: When listing my languages in the Skills section, I am able to simply store what languages I know in a YAML data file (left). I then reference this data file with ERB and loop over it, creating the HTML needed (right).

    # languages.yml

    - language: "C"
    - language: "C++"
    - language: "CSS"
    - language: "HTML"
    - language: "Java"
    - language: "JavaScript"
    - language: "Ruby"
    - language: "SQL"
    # _resume.html.erb

      <.% i = 0 %>
      <.% data.languages.each do |l| %>
      <.% if(i < data.languages.length-1) %>
      <.%= l.language + ", " %>
      <.% else %>
      <.%= l.language %>
      <.% end %>
      <.% i += 1 %>
      <.% end %>